Our Ministries

Blending voices of praise together, choir enhances worship at Island Lutheran.
If you are interested in sharing your gifts as a choir member or have questions.
Contact: Steve White, CLICK HERE

Praise Band
Using their musical gifts from the Lord, vocalists and instrumentalists support the variety of music in ILC worship ministries.
Contact: Steve White CLICK HERE

Campus Care
This group of people, with a wide variety of skills, care for the campus and buildings of ILC.
Contact: Ron Olech CLICK HERE

Ensuring the safety of all in our building is the focus of this group of well trained members.
Contact: Dave Grandt CLICK HERE

Audio/Visual team members are active in supporting a variety of ILC ministries with sound and technical support.
Contact: Steve White CLICK HERE

Spiritual Care Ministry Team
As an extension of the Pastoral Office, these Shepherds oversee care of the ILC family and its members.
Contact: Dave Bowman CLICK HERE

Leadership Ministry Board
This team of elected governing board members is responsible for the oversight of ILC operations, and is committed to ensuring the fulfillment of “Knowing and Sharing the Joy of Salvation through Jesus Christ.”
Contact: Greg Beste CLICK HERE
Endowment Fund
Helping ILC family accomplish their educational goals, this fund provides educational grants to qualifying applicants from members and their families.
Contact: Mike Hall CLICK HERE

Family Care Ministry
We strive to care for those most in need by providing material and spiritual support for ILC and external family members.
Contact: Dave Bowman CLICK HERE

Dinner For 8
Connect with others around good food to enjoy engaging conversations. laughter, and stronger Christian relationships.
Contact: Ken VanDongen CLICK HERE

Dinner With Families
Join others with children for lively gatherings in homes with ILC families and guests for a meal and growth in friendships.
Contact: Deaconess Grace Bergt CLICK HERE

Hospitality Ministry
This active team provides snacks and goodies for Sunday Morning Discipleship Hour and other ministry events.
Contact: Deaconess Grace Bergt CLICK HERE

Bourbon and Billiards
A relaxing gathering of men and their guests on Thursdays for billiards and refreshments.
Contact: George Clawson CLICK HERE
Community Ministries
Individuals and community agencies will receive support in their God pleasing work.

Social Media Team
Provides communication through
various ILC media platforms.
Contact: Deaconess Grace Bergt CLICK HERE

Pregnancy Center and Clinic of the Lowcountry
This ministry provides support for women and families struggling with pregnancy related issues.
Contact: Dave Grandt CLICK HERE

Welcome Ministry
Friendly faces and a big smile are the highlights of this team that welcome visitors, usher guests, and work in the Welcome Center.
Contact: Dave Bowman CLICK HERE

NOC Healthy Snack Team
Providing the children of Neighborhood Outreach Connection with a healthy snack for their after school program at ILC is the mission of this team.
Contact: Dave Grandt CLICK HERE

Low Country Bash
This annual free event provides opportunities for connections between the community and ILC members over fantastic oysters and delicious sides.
Contact: Dave Grandt CLICK HERE

Volunteers in Medicine
The mission of this team is to understand and serve the health and wellness needs of the medically underserved and their households who live or work on Hilton Head and Daufuskie Islands.
Contact: Dave Schaus CLICK HERE

Neighborhood Outreach Connection
NOC harnesses the energy of families, schools, libraries, health providers, and other non-profits to break the pattern of generational poverty.
Contact: Dave Grandt CLICK HERE

Deep Well
Deep Well Project assists the island community with a variety of life needs, including food, home repair, rent assistance, gas cards, and school uniform/supplies.
Contact: Joyce Godshall CLICK HERE

Comfort Dog Ministry
“A bridge for compassionate ministry, opening doors for conversation about faith and creating opportunities to share the mercy, compassion, presence and proclamation of Jesus Christ.” Lutheran Church Charities.
Contact: Top Dog Cathy Beste CLICK HERE

Southeastern District of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
This regional district of the LCMS works with congregations and schools in creative partnerships that will result in Church transformation and Kingdom growth.
Contact: Dave Grandt CLICK HERE

Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Members of this group make disciples through our strategy of engaging, equipping, and empowering coaches and athletes to know and grow in Christ and lead others to do the same.
Contact:Dave Grandt CLICK HERE

Operation Christmas Child
Annual drive to provide gifts for children around the world through Operation Christmas Child.
Contact:Dave Grandt CLICK HERE

Capstone Ministries
Lead by Pastor Dan and Patty Schmelzer, this ministry is a liaison to the street children of Western Kenya, with the objective of restoring street children with their family.
Contact:Dave Grandt CLICK HERE

The Ebers, LCMS Missionaries in Africa
David and Joyce Eber work in Ghana, where David serves as a theological educator providing continuing education for pastors in the Evangelical Lutheran Church.
Contact:Dave Grandt CLICK HERE
Discipleship Ministries
Individuals will become disciples and mature in faith by the power of the Holy Spirit and God’s Word.

Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Vacation Bible School offers a fun filled, week long emphasis on God’s word for both family and members of the community. Participants will experience the joy of salvation through song, crafts, study, specialty snacks, and re-enactments.
If you are interested in participating contact: Chris Ponsini CLICK HERE

In Home Fellowship Groups
Living out life together, these small groups meet regularly to discuss God’s Word, fellowship, and pray together.
Contact: Deaconess Grace Bergt CLICK HERE

Sunday Morning Discipleship Hour
Becoming a Disciple of Christ is an ongoing process of learning and life application. Delve into deeper study of God’s Word and conversations about the sermon in this hour that meets between services every Sunday.
Contact: Pastor Jeff Dorth CLICK HERE

Sunday Steps
Meeting during the Discipleship Hour, this energetic time encourages children to know and share Jesus, strengthen friendships and have fun!
Sunday Mornings at 9:40-10:45 am
Contact: Deaconess Grace Bergt CLICK HERE

Altar Guild
These “behind the scenes” workers support worship ministries by promoting the education of the congregation about the seasons of the Church and their relationship to Christ’s life, setting up sacramental elements, assisting in services, and providing care for other worship ministry needs. Contact: Karen VanDongen CLICK HERE

Calling Men & Women
Delve deeply into God’s Word with this study lead by Pastor Jeff and other instructors. This meaty, impactful series is held both on church campus and in family homes.
Contact: Pastor Jeff Dorth CLICK HERE

Men's Ministries
Develop relationships with other men of faith to encourage and build up one another in the various callings in life. Enjoy a wide variety of activities sure to amuse all.
Join us for our weekly breakfast gatherings in Hilton Head and in Bluffton.
Contact: Bob Swearer CLICK HERE

Mainland Bible Study
Live over the bridge? Retired Pastor Zimmerman brings people from Bluffton and Katie together for a time of spiritual growth and community building around an engaging study of God’s Word.
Contact: Paul Zimmermann CLICK HERE

Wednesday Women's Fellowship
Enjoy time spent together, building one another up in various vocations through relaxing fellowship, study, and prayer.
Contact: Deaconess Grace Bergt CLICK HERE
Family Ministries
Members and guests will experience the joy of God’s beautiful gift of our church family.